Real Property Management Clarity Team

Why Real Estate is Less Volatile than the Stock Market

Although it is rarely talked about, in the US, there is more money invested in real estate than is invested in the stock market. Figures from 2018 show that while US real estate was estimated to be worth around $49.3 trillion, the total capitalization in the stock market was $30.4 trillion.

Additionally, for almost a decade, data shows that real estate is ahead of stocks as American’s most favored long-term investment option. This is partly due to the clear advantages that real estate holds over an investment in stocks.

Although the stock market offers the twin advantages of easy access and high liquidity, these benefits have not been enough to make stocks more attractive than real estate. That’s because, as explains, real estate trumps stocks in one important respect; it is less volatile.

What makes stocks volatile?

There are two aspects to stock’s tendency to a high degree of changeability: volatility and correlation.

Increased volatility of the US stock market is mainly due to the following:

Why real estate is less volatile

There are several important differences between real estate and the stock market which make the former more stable than the latter.

These reasons make real estate the go-to investment for investors looking to hold an asset in the long-term. It also makes real estate the best option for complementing stocks and introducing a measure of diversity into a portfolio.